An operations manager needs to keep the correct inventory_Answer

An operations manager needs to keep the correct inventory_Answer

An operations manager needs to keep the correct inventory_Answer

An operations manager needs to keep the correct inventory_Answer

1. An operations manager needs to keep the correct inventory in place to support the business. Why is inventory control important to the bottom line?

2. What is an event that forced American businesses to focus on quality? What are two methods American businesses use to improve the quality of their products and services? Describe the methods.

3. What are the factors a business considers before finding the right location? What are the many reasons facility location is important to a business? Give an example of where a Walmart may be located.

4. It is very important that companies hire the right people for jobs. What is the process for hiring a person in order to fill a specific position? Explain the steps in the process. Identify and describe the two types of software.

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Ops Manager