Which of the following had the most influence on Republican losses in the 2006 midterm Answer

1-Which of the following had the most influence on Republican losses in the 2006 midterm congressional elections?
A. Rapidly rising unemployment
B. The 1,000 point drop in the Dow Industrial Average
C. Public doubts about the course of the war in Iraq
D. Debates concerning banning gay marriage Reset Selection

2- The basic working units of Congress are:
A. conference committees.
B. special committees.
C. standing committees.
D. caucus committees. Reset Selection

3-Which of the following could be used by a Republican senator to block a bill proposed by the Democratic majority in the Senate?
A. Rule 22
B. The Rules Committee
C. The cloture vote
D. The filibuster Reset Selection

4-Tax legislation is first sent to which House committee?
A. Rules Committee
B. Ways and Means Committee
C. Appropriations Committee
D. Energy and Commerce Committee Reset Selection

5-Which of the following is NOT true about the electoral college?
A. Except for Maine and Nebraska, the states appoint their members of the electoral college on a “winner-take-all” basis.
B. A presidential candidate needs 270 electoral votes to win office outright.
C. If no candidate receives a majority in the electoral college, the election is decided by a majority vote in the House of Representatives, with each state delegation casting one vote.
D. All electors must vote for the candidate that they pledged to support. Reset Selection

6- A government corporation:
A. is intended to oversee private corporations.
B. is intended to support its operations with its self-generated revenues.
C. is the preferred method of Republicans for organizing government services.
D. was a common form of government organization during the Gilded Age. Reset Selection

7-Congressional Republicans were opposed to the Waxman-Markey bill because:
A. they believed it would amount to a large consumer tax increase.
B. they thought it did not go far enough to address climate change.
C. Waxman was the Speaker of the House.
D. environmental lobby groups had helped them in recent elections. Reset Selection

8-The Seventeenth Amendment provides that:
A. senators shall be elected directly by voters.
B. senators shall be elected indirectly by state legislators.
C. House terms are fixed at two years.
D. Senate terms are fixed at six years. Reset Selection

9-In recent years, party loyalty in votes in both houses has:
A. increased among both Democrats and Republicans.
B. decreased among both Democrats and Republicans.
C. increased among Republicans and decreased among Democrats.
D. remained static. Reset Selection

10-If a state’s population grows by 1 million since the last census, it is likely to get:
A. one new congressional seat.
B. three new congressional seats.
C. a new congressional seat if there was a loss of population in another state.
D. a new Senate seat. Reset Selection

11-Which of the following pairs of first ladies are most similar in the way that they have interpreted their roles as public figures?
A. Eleanor Roosevelt and Laura Bush
? B. Laura Bush and Michelle Obama
C. Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama
D. Dolly Madison and Laura Bush Reset Selection

12-Vice President Joe Biden seeks to:
A. shrink the office of vice president to an advisory role to the president.
B. expand the office to include oversight of homeland security.
C. prosecute former Vice President Cheney for support for torture.
? D. spend his time presiding over the Senate. Reset Selection

13-The president pro tempore of the Senate:
A. is the longest-serving member from the majority party.
B. also serves as the chamber’s majority leader.
C. is the most powerful party leader.
D. appoints members of the Rules Committee. Reset Selection

14-Cabinet secretaries:
A. serve two-year terms that correspond to the House of Representatives.
B. serve at the pleasure of the president.
C. are confirmed by the Senate for up to six years.
D. participate in all facets of the government. Reset Selection

15-Images such as “captain of the ship,” “finding common ground,” and “want to be president when there are big problems” come from:
A. George H.W. Bush.
B. James Buchanan.
C. Barack Obama.
D. Dwight D. Eisenhower. Reset Selection

16-The civil-service system arose in the late 19th century as a response to:
A. the problems created by a small bureaucracy.
B. the problem of states having too much public responsibility.
C. the challenge of managing a growing rural economy.
D. the corruption and abuses of the spoils system. Reset Selection

17-The Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974 attempted to give Congress more control over government expenditures by:
A. enabling Congress to propose an alternative budget to the president’s budget.
B. establishing the Ways and Means Committee in the House.
C. revoking the president’s right to submit a budget to Congress.
D. establishing a new cabinet post to coordinate the budget. Reset Selection

18-Which of the following bodies sets the terms for debate and voting on legislation in the House of Representatives?
A. The Democratic Caucus
B. The Republican Caucus
C. The Committee on Committees
D. The Rules Committee Reset Selection

19-Conference committees:
A. are temporary bodies comprised of “hand-picked” senators and representatives.
B. are comprised of all majority-party members.
C. meet to override a presidential veto.
D. meet to schedule annual party caucus events. Reset Selection

20-The role of chief of state is most like:
A. the British prime minister.
B. the Queen of England.
C. the Secretary of State.
D. the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Reset Selection

21-Which of the following were appointed to the Supreme Court by President George W. Bush?
A. Samuel Alito and Ruth Bader Ginsberg
B. John Roberts and Samuel Alito
C. John Roberts and David Souter
D. David Souter and John Paul Stevens Reset Selection

22-The case of Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) upheld:
A. racial segregation.
B. affirmative action.
C. habeas corpus.
D. legal representation. Reset Selection

23-How many current justices on the U.S. Supreme Court were appointed by Democratic presidents?
A. Four
B. Three
C. Two
D. One Reset Selection

24-Miranda v. Arizona (1966):
A. is an example of a voting rights case.
B. is an example of a racial-discrimination case.
C. is an example of a criminal defendant case.
D. is an example of a states’ rights case. Reset Selection

25-The case of Sweatt v. Painter was one of the first cases to:
A. challenge the “separate but equal” ruling of Plessy v. Ferguson
B. reinforce legalized segregation by allowing a law school for blacks to be built in Texas.
C. test the application of Brown v. Board of Education.
D. require affirmative action standards for college admissions. Reset Selection

26-Which federal court was established by the Constitution?
A. The U.S. Courts of Appeals
B. The U.S. District Courts
C. The U.S. Supreme Court
D. The U.S. Court of Claims Reset Selection

27-Which of the following can create political pressure on federal judges?
A. Judges can be impeached by Congress.
B. They are appointed for life.
C. The budget for the judiciary is controlled by Congress.
D. Both A and C are correct. Reset Selection

28-The United States has approximately how many attorneys? 1225452 as of 4/2011
A. 500,000
B. 750,000
C. 1,000,000
D. 1,500,000 Reset Selection

29-Baker v. Carr (1962) dealt with:
A. apportionment.
B. abortion rights.
C. segregation.
D. affirmative action. Reset Selection

30-An example of the more conservative direction of the Rehnquist Court was:
A. upholding a federal law to keep guns out of public schools.
B. overturning a state court’s decision in Bush v. Gore.
C. limiting presidential power by ruling against the line item veto.
D. narrowing the use of race in hiring for government programs. Reset Selection

31-Which case established the principle of judicial review?
A. Roe v. Wade (1973)
B. McCulloch v. Maryland (1819)
C. Marbury v. Madison (1803)
D. Brown v. Board of Education (1954) Reset Selection

32-A case challenging the rapidly growing public debt would likely NOT be considered by the Supreme Court because it is a:
A. question already settled in prior court decisions.
B. question that might cause Congress to limit judicial salaries.
C. case that should first be heard by a state supreme court.
D. political question. Reset Selection

33-The Supreme Court relies on support from:
A. its enormous prestige.
B. Democratic majorities in Congress.
C. the obedience of state courts.
D. Republican majorities in Congress. Reset Selection

34-Between 1900 and the mid-1930s, the Supreme Court exercised judicial review primarily in:
A. economic-regulatory cases.
B. civil-liberties cases.
C. separation-of-powers cases.
D. racial-discrimination cases. Reset Selection

35-Which of the following statements about U.S. district courts is accurate?
A. District Court decisions are binding on the circuit region.
B. District Courts are the intermediate level between courts of appeal and
the Supreme Court.
C. District Courts handle cases involving people’s claims against
government seizure of property.
D. Almost all cases involving federal law are first tried in District Courts. Reset Selection

36-“Court packing” refers to:
A. the practice whereby presidents appoint only judges of their own party to the bench.
B. intimidating judges by filling the Court with rowdy observers.
C. the occasion when the judges rule on more cases than the norm.
D. adding seats to the Supreme Court to gain advantage through appointments. Reset Selection

37-The appointment of Justice Sonia Sotomayor by President Obama is an example of:
A. a Democratic president appointing a liberal justice.
B. a Democratic president appointing a moderate justice.
C. the desire of President Obama to move the Supreme Court in a more conservative direction.
D. the value placed on justices with a strict constructionist philosophy. Reset Selection

38-Ideological composition of the Supreme Court became a significant factor in presidential appointments after the Senate defeat of the nomination of:
A. Alcee Hastings.
B. Clement Haynsworth.
C. Robert Bork.
D. Douglas Ginsberg. Reset Selection

39-Which of the following is a restriction on congressional power over the federal courts?
A. The power to create or expand federal courts
B. Judges being constitutionally appointed for life terms
C. The authority of Congress to enact spending and revenue laws
D. The ability to impeach federal judges Reset Selection

40-Dred Scott v. Sandford (1857):
A. invalidated the Missouri Compromise.
B. upheld the Wilmot Proviso.
C. declared the “one man, one vote” rule.
D. challenged the right to own slaves. Reset Selection

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Which of the following had the most influence on Republican losses in the 2006 midterm Answer

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